On tap for April Reading

Wow.  Hard to believe another month has already come and gone – and with me ’failing’ to meet many of my goals I brazenly posted about previously (you’ll get used to this from me… 🙂 )
I am, however, a little ahead of schedule in regards to the total number of books I hope to read this year (goal: 50 – I have 33 to go) and in my “Project: Civil War” in which I hope to read 1 book related to the Civil War per month for a total of 12 (progess: 5 down, 7 to go).

What do I plan to read this month?  Well, next up in P:CW is a history book by Paul I. Wellman titled The House Divides, which covers United States history from the time of Andrew Jackson to the start of the Civil War.  I’m about 40 pages in and have found it interesting so far and am learning a lot already.  Completion of this book will get me to the halfway point in P:CW.

I also think it’s time to finally read Shakespeare’s MacBeth. (in 2008, my project was “Project: Shakespeare”, where I hoped to read all of his plays throughout the year. – I only got about 2/3 of the way through this project, but have continued to read the remaining plays occasionally ever since.  I posted some information on this project within my  book club’s website.
I should also mention that I have since discovered another blogger who had a much more macho project:  “38 plays, 38 days”  wherein he is reading through the entire catalog at a rate of one play per day.  Now THAT is hardcore reading…

This WILL be the month I finish reading Sir Walter Scott’s Guy Mannering.  If I fail, I invite all readers (“both of them”) of my blog to publicly chastise and ridicule the weakness of my resolve on May 1st…

One more book would make it a good month… hmm… Maybe it will be Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Gods of Mars, or Albert Camus’ The Plague, which I started once long ago but never got back to.  Wish me luck!

P.S. And, of course, once again I will pledge to try to post more often to this blog and to improve its appearance…

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