
I started this blog in January 2010 with the simple idea of logging what I’m reading and what my reactions are. I try to keep it pretty simple, without too many bells and whistles. I love getting comments and reading suggestions from other readers here. I live and work in Central Indiana.  I’m an active member of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library’s book club. Five years ago, I founded a reading group at my office (we read works that can be finished in an hour or less so it’s mostly short stories or essays or articles) that meets once a month after work. I also am involved in two other book clubs, one of which is a public Meetup.com group (with a strong core of regulars, though), and the other is named “Book Club II: Son of Book Club” – the re-formed core of an older book club that met at Indy Reads Books bookstore.

In 2011, I started reading one short story per week as part of my “Project: Deal Me In” and have really become a fan of that form.  I am always looking for short story suggestions…

More recently, I’ve started to feel I should read more by authors with an Indiana connection or new authors or, ideally, both.  If you know of any that you’d like me to read and post about, let me know, and I will try to accommodate.

I’m also on twitter  (@Bibliophilopoly) a lot of my activity there, however, is about chess and football and non-literary stuff, though I do link my blog posts there and am linked to my goodreads.com account so you can follow ALL my reading there, even if I don’t end up blogging about it. 🙂

My blogging has suffered the past couple years as I’ve gotten back into playing in chess tournaments, which I was quite serious about in the late 80s-early 90s. I’m using that “hobby” (an inadequate word!) as an excuse to do some international travel and have thus far visited Bermuda, Iceland (2x), Gibraltar, and Isle of Man (3x). I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every place I’ve visited.

-Jay (1/2020)


  1. Tom Holt said,

    December 28, 2010 at 7:57 am

    I’m the Webmaster at Vonnegutlibrary.org and I’m contacting you because you’ve often commented on Vonnegutlibrary.org. I’ve had to install a CAPTCHA on the comments to see if I can limit amount of spam posting attempts. I wondered if you could let me know if you have any problems posting your comments in the future. Thanks.


  2. gpcox said,

    March 26, 2015 at 9:36 am

    Happy to find another avid reader!

    Liked by 1 person

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